Monday, April 30, 2012

The Big O Update of the Day: "the bed IS made!"

This is a short post - time right now is best spent in reorganization mode!

It's amazing how your son's bedroom easily transitions into a storage unit once he takes a wife. The door stays closed. No one enters or even catches a glimpse of the well appointed bedroom where your precious little boy once slept every night!

When painters come and wall hangings are stored - it seems the logical option. When winter clothes are switched out for the springtime wardrobe - the perfect place for temporary storage of overflow and excess is just a few doors down the hall. The now vacant bedroom becomes the "in a hurry", "in a pinch", "catch all"!

Today's application point: schedule a pick-up of donations within 48 hours! No matter what distractions or opportunities arise, the foreknowledge of a truck backing up your driveway will motivate you! There are empty boxes lined up, along with a grand supply of lawn bags in Tyler's room - time to fill them with unnecessary clothing and household items!

Update to come! (thanks for all the stories, comments, and ideas shared in the last few days - feel free to share some here for all to see!)

So, here's a pic of Tyler's "still-made" bed! (you can see the headboard if you look's behind the wall hangings, out of season clothes - and extra fabric from the new valances!) FYI - he would've been seriously grounded if this happened on his watch!

Taking a Heart like His to Trinidad

It’s been an incredible honor to partner with several dear friends and family members who have been called to the overseas mission field.  Most exciting has been seeing my children involved in missions.   All along, I’ve comfortably joined them from home with prayer and financial support.
While my children, friends and other family members have long been involved in overseas missions – I have supported and served in numerous community outreaches to children at risk, the homeless, veterans, unwed mothers, and more.  All these years, I never sensed God calling me abroad to serve others.  The local mission field is plentiful.
 Several years ago, our youth pastor invited me to join a team to Ecuador – one that my youngest daughter was a part of.  Being a borderline “helicopter” mom – very protective of my little ones, my flesh desperately wanted to go.  It was my nature to watch closely over my baby girl – and with her so far from home, it seemed obvious that I should/would accept the invitation.  However, never before and never since, have I heard so clearly that God was telling me “no”.  Through disappointed tears – I declined the invitation. 
We don’t always know or understand the “why” of His ways.  This time however, He gave me the gift of knowing and understanding how my presence would have prohibited healing, growth and life transformation in the hearts of my daughter, her team – and those they encountered.  He also grew my faith and dependence in the process. After the team returned from their trip (which ended up being to Brazil – due to civil unrest in Ecuador), these facts became apparent.  
That was the closest I’ve come to an overseas mission – until now.  FBC’s Women’s Ministry Director invited our staff ladies to join her in producing a women’s conference for the ladies of Trinidad.  It was after sensing a “resounding yes, this is your time to go” that I enthusiastically responded.    Since that time, she has been diagnosed with cancer and is unable to leave the country.  The trip’s future was questionable for awhile, but we know God wants it to happen. We trust that great things are yet to be done in the nation of Trinidad.  
Sadly, Trinidadian women are subject to rampant abuses – physical, sexual and psychological.  It’s estimated that 1 in 3 women under the age of 35 have been victimized by gender based violence.  Our understanding is that in addition to the mistreatments mentioned, there is a high rate of incest.  The women who will come to the conference in June – will in many cases, bring their daughters with them.  Home is not always a safe environment to leave a young girl with her male relatives.  It’s a sad reality that most of us here in the states cannot begin to fathom.
Our 8 member team of ladies is going to Trinidad at the end of June.  We’ll share the life transforming hope and healing found in Jesus.   The theme of the conference is “A Heart like His.”  Each day will provide opportunities for learning the truth of His Heart for all of us.  The ladies will have a chance to reflect on their own hearts, their need for healing and practical takeaways for the days, months and years that follow.  Our team will also engage with the Trini ladies through personal testimonies, prayer, breakout sessions, crafts, dancing and more.
We must quickly raise approximately $10,000.00 in order to secure necessary flights, ground transportation, equipment, food, supplies and so forth.   Additionally, with the socio-economic climate in Trinidad, there is a need for us to provide scholarships for many who will attend.   While financial support is absolutely critical, the support we need most is prayer.  Would you please consider partnering with our team in both areas?  We would all be grateful if you would come alongside of us.  Please indicate your desire for updates and I’ll add you to our email distribution. 

If you are able to contribute financially – in any amount, please give now to the Trinidad team via paypal at:

Send the funds to 770-309-5444 – there is no fee  if you make the payment under the personal tab and designate “gift”.  You will receive a contribution statement at the end of the year for tax purposes if you provide your mailing address. 
Please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry to the women of Trinidad – with any dollar amount – but most definitely with prayer!
Many blessings!

PS – if you prefer to mail a check, please make it payable to Fellowship Bible Church – and mail to:

Tawnda Holley
Fellowship Bible Church
480 West Crossville Road
Roswell GA 30075

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Big O - Steady Progress & Slaying the Sock Monster!

Well, it's been several days since my last "big o" update....that doesn't mean it's fallen off the priority list.  In fact, in any possible moment at home - I've continued to chip away at my reorg list. In a perfect world, every evening I would've been in project mode from the moment dinner dishes were done until bedtime.... but this is not a perfect world. Life is messy and unpredictable.  (Further incentive for organized living!) 

In the interest of time, here are just a few brief tidbits about recent progress and inspiration:

No less than 40 lawn bags and 20+ boxes have left our home in the last 2 weeks. While a garage sale may have brought in a fraction of the amount initially spent on discards, it didn't seem worth the time and energy investment right now. Quite honestly, it feels good to know others are being aided ....and it was much simpler.  No advertising required - no labeling, pricing, hanging, stacking and haggling with buyers in my driveway. Donations have been bagged, tagged and promptly removed from our home!

I mentioned before that a substantial donation of household items, books, clothes, furniture and small applicances was made to benefit a Mission team going to the Honduras this summer. Watching the UHaul truck leave the base of my driveway with our family's unnecessary items that were stuffed in drawers, closets and the basement - was a great thing! 

Several small items have been given to friends with a large family - books, games and equipment that are in great condition - with much use remaining.  Another dear friend was the benefactor of several magazines...and will remain as such.  Numerous magazines arrive in our mailbox each month - instead of just throwing them away, I'll now give them to a friend who doesn't subscribe to them.  (As she pointed out, they may be a month or two old - but they are still new to her!) 

To cap it off - several boxes and bags of clothes that have been lingering in our closets for too long are now in the hands of homeless women vets. Five members of  BSMA GA Chapter 1 - went to Columbus this weekend for a Veteran Stand down.  It was a truly humbling experience on many levels.  Women who once served our country in the military and are now struggling - have benefitted from the closet chaos accumulated in recent years. It was well worth the fully packed car and 2 hour drive to bless those ladies! (Thank you thyroid -  for the many variations, sizes and shapes my form has taken!)

In closing, let's talk about the Sock Monster.  You know how over time, an army of socks of all sizes and colors disappears at the hand of that invisible yet existent tyrant, who frustrates moms and little league coaches, and eeks his way into plenty of marital discussions.  Several years ago, I decided it was foolish to put single/random socks out of the dryer into my family's bedrooms.  If a rogue sock appeared - it was tossed into a basket on the top shelf of my laundry room.  Granted, every now and then, the basket is dumped on the kitchen table and the rogue socks are often united with their long lost companion.  It has become clear lately that not all socks are so fortunate.  Without a doubt, many are eternally separated from their match having been left at camps, gyms, school, sleepovers, hotels, etc.  Oftentimes, those long remaining spinsters have been tossed in to the trash.   What was I thinking???

When your'e ready to slay the sock monster - and come away victorious, sift through your loners and place the longstanding rebels in a shipping box and seal it with packing tape.  All you have to do is figure out which mailing address to use.  There are a multitude of non-profits that DESIRE random socks.  If your heart is for amputees (veteran or civilian) - there are a multitude of places to send your single socks.  If your  heart is for children, maybe you'll want to send your single socks to a children's hospital, children's ministry, orphanage, or even local schools to be used as sock puppets for teaching or for bringing smiles. If you're an animal lover, you'll be interested to know that several wildlife organizations utilize random socks as feeders for birds and other wildlife.  The United Way even accepts unpaired socks for educational programs for families.  Diabetes treatment centers will often accept orphaned socks - and of course, our homeless shelters are overflowing with people with cares far greater than coordinated stockings.... they are in need of warmth.  Where your heart is.... your unusable socks may follow! 

Here are just a few of many available options - search online for an opportunity that appeals to you:


Well, I've accomplished far more than the above in recent days - but I feel best about the ways others may benefit from my spring cleaning.  Try it - it's far easier, less time consuming and helps a myriad of others who may need assistance. 

More to come....Soon, I promise.  (I've got pictures - mine and some from friends and family to share!)  Keep motivated - I am. 


Friday, April 13, 2012

The Big O - Look for "Win-Wins"

Well, the last few days have hit our family with more than one "surprise".... I'd like to say they are all the best kind - but that would be dishonest.  Life doesn't stop when trials come, but we adapt and keep moving forward.  With every hit, we learn more about ourselves; the strength of our family; the depth of our faith; the value of friendship - and the infinite value of prayer, and the often discounted value of rest.  Quite honestly, in times like these - "order" is of greater signifcance than in times of "no drama."

Again, not much time to elaborate personally today, but organizational baby steps are still happening.  With a packed weekend in front of us - the baby steps will continue for a few days.  It's funny - but there is something strangely comforting about seeing personal progress toward a goal - that brings a bit of satisfaction, even in the midst of chaos. 
As I shared the last time, scheduling a "pick up" of donations is a great way to motivate one in the process of "clutter removal!"  With all that has been going on this week, my inclination was to cancel the pickup - but instead it remained on the calendar.  (Granted, not as much time was available to work on closets, basement, etc.)   Last night, it was probably good for me to expend frustration by loading boxes and lawn bags with discards.  Not only did the discards lessen the "stuff" in our home - but they will benefit others.  That actually feels good.  (And so much easier than coordinating a rummage sale.)  Of course, there's the added benefit of a tax deduction!   

So - today's tip - keep moving forward!  Every day, we're either moving closer toward or further from our target (whatever the target may be.)  "Baby steps" toward the desired outcome are far better than standing still. 

In just a short amount of time, here's a sampling of what was bagged/boxed and taken away this afternoon:

A desk, a floor lamp, several paintings, 2 large pieces of wall art, 2 large bookcases, a VCR, small television, mirrored dressing table, several large bags of MY clothes, school supplies, home decor, a vaccum, books, movies, toys, linens, etc. These items were all contributed to a ministry, ultimately benefitting a 20 member team heading to the Honduras this summer.  (I have another week to make another "clean sweep" through the basement in hopes of helping a bit more!)  

A "win-win" - the ministry picked the donated items up, I never left the house. 
The unnecessary clutter is not just eliminated, but will benefit others longterm.  

Bonus:  A fun little "organizational style" inventory is available at:

check it out for a few storage tips - combatible with your style
(my result was perfectionist librarian...hmmm)


Monday, April 9, 2012

An update on the "Big O" month of April

Coupon Reorg – Follow Up!  

It’s been an incredibly full Easter weekend – even so, when opportunity arose, I tackled part of the long overdue “coupon reorg”.    The initial goal was to obtain order and organization with the new 3 ring binder system - but related smaller projects were completed too.  (Again, every day this month – the ultimate goal is that SOMETHING, no matter how small, will become better organized.)  
End Result:
The 3 Ring Binder is filled with clear baseball card pages – making it easy to locate and consider coupon purchases
Each “category” is indicated by a pocketed tabbed divider – appropriately labeled for my family’s shopping habits
Coupons in each category are filed by expiration date

The completed binder is very secure - much easier to manage and far less frustrating than the small "accordion files" that have been around forever. 

Since a few minutes on the weekend is all that's required to "maintain" order, the binder will stay in my "errand basket" in the trunk of my car.  (It's frustrating to make an unexpected stop at Publix only to get home and realize you could've saved $) 

Like many projects, this one took a while on the front end, but a test shopping experience on Saturday revealed the time was well invested.  With 15 minutes of “management” on Sunday afternoons, this initiative will prove to be cost effective and simplifying for the long term.  YAY! 

One bonus project was weeding expired coupons from the “Restaurant Box”.  (Any lidded box would likely work well, but ours was a gift from a friend  - years ago.) It’s been helpful in reducing “kitchen drawer/refrigerator front” craziness and can easily be accessed and managed in only 2 minutes a week or less. 

For several years, we’ve been void of questions like: “where’s the take-out menu for Magic Wok? What's the number for Pizza Hut, etc." 

The final “small” organizational accomplishment was cleaning out magazine baskets throughout the house.  While organizing grocery and store coupons, all magazines were quickly scanned to ensure there weren’t any overlooked savings opportunities.  While checking - I discarded magazines that have served their purpose and moved into the “unnecessary” category. 

What projects are staring at you?  What areas have you organizationally mastered and simplified?  A couple of regular practices I'm content with are: the aforementioned "errand basket";  books and movies inventory; greeting cards; gifts; toiletries; and daily mail. (Actually, you'll get to see my organizational "piece de la resistance" in the next few days!  If your family is like ours and watches a lot of movies - you'll like this suggestion!)
There are at least 21 more endeavors in my near future: pantry, master bathroom, several  bedroom closets, basement storage, my son’s “now vacant” bedroom, linens and more.  As April moves forward –  and progress continues I’ll share a few more tips that work well for our family….and would love for my friends to do the same!    T.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Coupon Clutter"

Valassis (NYSE: VCI), one of USA’s leading media and marketing services companies, recently reported that shoppers saved $4.6 billion with coupons in 2011.  This was a $500 million increase over 2010.  The significant upswing is largely attributed to the mindset adopted during times of recession. 

We are all aware a recession has infiltrated our culture.  Many have been unfavorably affected by the economy. Those of us who haven’t – can likely name a number of friends/family who have suffered extended job loss, significant hits to their wallet, changes in real estate ownership and of course – emotional turmoil that results from the added stress of income reduction or even frequent dismal news reports. 

We are blessed – my husband has remained consistently employed.  Commissions may be down  - but income has at least been steady.   Sadly, it’s easy to adapt a dismissive mindset when one’s world has not been rocked by the perils of unemployment.  Even though we have friends and family who are among the nightly financial statistics, we can slip into financial ambivalence.  I’m not pointing fingers here – except at “myself.”
A few years ago, when my children were all still “children” – and my primary occupation was “stay at home Mom” -  I was a coupon fiend!   More than once, the person who lined up behind me at Publix/Kroger regretted their presumption.  Sure, my cart may have given the impression that the transaction was almost complete; what they didn’t notice was the stack of coupons in the hands of the cashier.   Oh yeah – I know what it means to be a “Coupon Queen.” 
Now, no longer with “little ones” in the home – my “outside the home calling” necessitates a significant number of available hours in a day.  (No complaints – I love it – and it’s exactly where I should be!)  Ironically, now it seems easier to spend funds out of convenience.  Honestly, some days –   it’s not convenience, but simply pure exhaustion.  Lately, my lax spending has convicted me.
 At times it seems current shopping habits negate  any “financial benefit” of the present calling.   As someone who prides herself on never spending full price for clothes and accessories – my frugality has grown slack in the weekly necessities.   OUCH.    
Tonight’s organizational endeavor is tied to COUPONS!  Quick google searches have resulted in numerous “methods” for categorizing grocery coupons.  With complete transparency, this is not a brand new conviction.  In late fall, when hubby and I got away for a week, the accumulation of coupons (including the expired ones) were packed and transported, with the greatest of organizational intentions.  OOPS – a few were “clipped” while at the beach – but attention was immediately turned to one of the several “Christian growth” books that were in the same bag!  (That’s one issue – biting off more than one could conceivably chew – even on VACATION!) 
So, in the same spirit of “transparency” – here’s a photo of my actual, current coupon collection – providing absolutely no financial benefit while expired and stuffed in a bag! UGH .
 An “After” photo will follow… in the meantime; assume this is what’s happening at the Holley Home:    Coupon Reorg  101!!!!  (Most likely with a movie in the background – organizing must be enjoyable to be sustained!)
  • Organizing coupons by category and expiration date – in a large binder with baseball card sleeves (all purchased pre-November vacation!) 
  • Discarding any and all coupons that reached expiration prior to NOW
  • Duplicates placed in the same “card sleeve” – with the coupon expiring first – on top 
It’s about time this long-overdue and “unnoticed by others” project reaches completion (or at least commences!)   Why should ANYONE pay more than necessary for groceries?  DUH! 
We could ALL find better, more rewarding ways to spend those dollars!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Today's Tip - Organizing Information Overload (Reducing Paper)

The instructor of a time management class shared a few time saving tricks that worked well for her personally.  One of those was utilizing Contacts in Microsoft office as a “filing cabinet” rather than just an electronic rolodex.  This wasn’t part of the curriculum but instead, casual conversation.  At the time, I didn’t see great personal value in this practice – but tried it anyway.  Now, I can tell you – I’M A BELIEVER! My only regret is that this wasn’t known when my children were small.  This is a beneficial tool for anyone using Microsoft Office, either inside or out of the home. (I understand Lotus Notes possesses the same capability.)

Whenever convenient – and significant information is learned about an individual/friend/family member, it’s listed here so that their new baby, sick mother, etc. can be recalled by name.  In the office environment, I frequently make notes about assistants/their contact info/birthdays if known, etc.  (Note also:  If you receive a report or bio prepared by any individual the file can be saved to your desktop and then to the author’s  contact file for future reference.)

Notes don’t have to be written on paper, saved, filed, sifted through and misplaced – the information is available via the email client on any compatible device.  (I can access contacts on any computer, my iphone, ipad, etc.) 

Note Casual Conversational Reminders for "Diana Themyscira"

In addition to loading contact files with information, notes, photos, attachments, etc.   The Contacts database in Outlook works fabulously for organizing lists.  For simplicity, I denote all “lists” or “procedures” with @ before the name.  Years ago, I’d print out and refer to paper budgets; account number listings; policies; phone lists, snack schedules,  children’s game  schedules,  password lists, etc. 
Now, I just save updated files to the corresponding list in my contacts.  (The less paper – the less clutter and confusion!)

From a “mom” perspective –  a contact  file is saved for each of my children.  Each contains information for quick and easy access – significant events/anniversaries/gift ideas/prayer requests/concerns/passports/licenses/class schedules, etc. 
Since attachments can be added to the "contact file", it’s helpful to save copies of their passports and insurance cards, shot records, etc.  – all in one place.  (When you get a call from a child at the dentist office asking for an insurance card, it’s easily retrieved and emailed from any device.)  It’s not necessary to carry extra documents and cards in our wallets if we make use of this “electronic filing system.”   (It's proven helpful to have scanned images of driver licenses for spouse and children - whether registering for a Road Race or updating insurance - it's already in your posession, no need to inconvenience anyone - least of all yourself!) 
Speaking of passports, copies of my children’s’ and that of my boss – are appropriately saved.  Ironically, my day started with a trip to the bank to retrieve my own passport from the Safe Deposit Box.  (It won’t be returned without first scanning and saving to my own “contact file”.)    A trip to the bank would’ve been avoided had I done for myself what has been routinely done for others!  Duh.  There’s an immediate benefit to organizational improvement!
This has proven very beneficial personally, managing my home/family  and in ministry.... 
Perhaps it will help you? 

Monday, April 2, 2012

April - A Monthlong Focus on "The Big O"

So, there are multiple books about it – many are lined up neatly in my home office… 

We are inundated with articles on it in the supermarket checkout….

If our friends really knew how we struggled with it at times, we’d be embarrassed…

We need it badly – year round, but especially, around holidays, tax time, while traveling, when family visits, when the kids are little, when they are away at college, etc.  (Basically, any day that ends in a Y)

We need it almost everywhere…in the kitchen, under the bathroom sink, in  the trunk of the car, the garage, the basement, our kids’ rooms, our office, and especially in closets where we can hide a multitude of sins …

The need for it has become overwhelmingly apparent – yet so many of us fall short and our lives are seemingly more stressful than necessary as a result…

Some people come to me for coaching on this topic – and yes, it’s true that I’ve got a few little tricks that work for me.  (In the spirit of full disclosure, I must admit there are places and times that I struggle too.)

My objective is to thoroughly clean/organize my entire house this month!   Daily, my hope is to complete at least one project, some will be small.  (And the added accountability will be an incentive.)  Organization is critical to my goal of “living simply”.  Care to join me in the pursuit of the Ultimate O?  I’ll share my tips – please share yours!

The Ultimate or Big O?  Surely, you didn’t think I meant Oprah?  (No, I shared thoughts on her a few months ago):

 So Yes! April is all about the Ultimate in Organization!  (for me anyway)