Monday, February 8, 2016

Simple Pleasures… Plain & Simple, in Black & White...and in bright blue (6 of 29)

Saturdays are typically packed with fun social activities…but given this nasty cold, not this one.  This has been a day spent in intermittent slumber, watching countless movies, lots of meds, vitamins, and with a steady aroma of eucalyptus, rosemary and peppermint in the air.  (The good news? I was often able to actually smell those wonderful scents!)

At some point during the day, I wrapped up in a warm blanket and sat on my deck for a bit to breathe some fresh air.  My deck is one of the features that drew me to this house.  The deck makes me forget that I live in the busy city of Roswell with my neighborhood entrance on an 8 lane road.  Sitting here it feels as though I’m living in a remote area of Georgia. 

Fortunately, for me (and my neighbors), the deck is very private with a row of evergreens separating me from the row of houses behind.  With my deck flanked by these beautiful trees, lying in the sun is not so intimidating… and sitting outside in my robe with a cup of coffee or tea is quite comfortable, even in the Georgia winter. 

Not only do the trees create a visual barrier, but a noise buffer as well.  Because of where my house is positioned in the neighborhood and the benefits from the Evergreens, I can sit quietly – often enjoying nature’s choreography.  (Countless birds sing and dance all around.)  This private little respite facilitates some serious thinking, sketching, reading, and writing all the while causing me to forget that I live in the burbs.  It’s a tranquil setting – and in the (almost) year I’ve lived here, I don’t know that there has been a single day when I’ve not sat outside for a bit.  Nature speaks to me in ways it didn’t before…it’s calming yet simultaneously, nature also refreshes my soul and ignites my mind.

No filter - a breathtaking, untouched sky
On this particular February day, while getting fresh air, I was struck by the vibrant blue sky.  It was gorgeous.  The “blue” reminded me of September 11th.  The recollection of the crystal clear, blue sky that morning before all Hell literally broke loose - has never left me.  In the strangest of ways, I’m glad.  Too easily we forget the watershed moments in our life’s story…. 9/11 was significant to every American. (This could be another entire post on a different day.)

For now, in this moment - I’m grateful for the reminder of that fateful day… for the lives lost in the attacks were not lost in vain.  Countless first responders sacrificed their lives for the benefit of others… and those men and women shall not be forgotten.  My own children were profoundly impacted by the events of that day – with one direct result being my son’s current career in the USMC.  

Why would we want to forget the way our country came together in the days that followed that historic Tuesday morning?  With all the mudslinging currently taking place leading up to the election, it’s good to remember that Democrats and Republicans united for a greater good.  We were literally "United States".  I pray it won’t take another 9/11 to get everyone united once again.

No filter - just a bright blue, untouched sky....and the
trees that gracefully provide a visual barrier between
 me and neighbors on the street behind my house....
Back to the here and now after my mind wandered a bit - the clear blue, beautiful skies are a reminder to never take a moment for granted…as in the case of September 11th, we never know what the next breath holds.  We don’t know who will be next to us, sharing life with us, making us laugh or making us cry.  Embrace the journey, moment by moment, whatever comes. 

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