Thursday, April 8, 2010

Britts Brazil Team Update

We’ve been monitoring news out of Rio de Janeiro since morning…. It’s been an emotional, prayer-filled day! Thankfully, we know from the blog that the team was able to get to the hotel in Rio tonight.
 As of this morning (Wed), they had completed 21 ministry meetings in only 3 days – and of course, there was no way to foresee the challenges awaiting them after leaving Campinas. (Google “landslides in Brazil” for the latest updates)

As Brittany and her teammates come to mind, please say a quick prayer for them, pray for:

 Discernment for the team as they determine how to adjust itineraries and to act as “the Hands and Feet of Christ” to a hurting community.

 Protection – physical and emotional (pray against further landslides and flooding!)

 Team unity - especially, as they face unknown, potentially challenging circumstances.

 Supernatural strength and endurance as they finish strong over the next few days.

 Health & Healing – especially for those who have been dealing with stomach issues.

 Life change/Growth – for the people of Rio, for the 14 team members, and for those of us at home.

There is no doubt that God has been preparing the hearts of the locals – they are desperate and will surely be open to hearing the hope available to them through Christ. God has also been preparing everyone involved. Pray that a deeper faith, and powerful testimony will be written on the hearts and lives of Britt and the others, as they see God’s hand move in miraculous ways. As we learned on her prior trip to Brazil – He doesn’t just work in the hearts and lives of those in distant lands. He works in unexpected ways in those of us at home. Nothing is wasted in God’s economy. I sat at my desk this afternoon and wrestled with the reality of having two of my children in harm’s way. It’s a helpless feeling….and I’m prone to worry….but between waves of anxiety and tears, I kept coming back to The Faithfulness of God. “Remembering” all that He has done and realizing that the floods and landslides are all a part of a greater design – one in which He will be glorified in a way that man cannot orchestrate. This song has been playing in my mind all day…. If you have a minute, listen to the words – maybe it will minister to you in the way it has to me, in the midst of whatever circumstances you’re wrestling with:

Team Leaders, Keith and Sara , have been diligent at updating the team blog: :

Your prayers and supportive words mean so much to all of us! Don’t stop now….Greater things are still to be done!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! See, God has a plan even in unexpected circumstances.
