Monday, April 5, 2010

The Ultimate Hand Sanitizer

Studies have revealed what logic was telling me years ago. Those germs left behind by the hotel guests who occupied our room the night before; vicious, yet invisible Salmonella, Shigella and E-Coli residing on our veggies at the local market; the dreaded "fecal matter" that lingers on most public handrails due to someone else's poor hygiene habits - well, they are all little terrorists - intent on attacking our immune systems, and leading to colds, flu, meningitis, hepatitis and worse! 

Long before the popularity of "Purell", as a young mom, I declared "war" against these evil forces! Friends and family mocked my refusal to touch public door handles and escalator handrails.  They laughed at the antibacterial baptism of potatoes prior to baking. Present day, it seems others have caught on to this way of thinking. No longer am I the only "germaphobe" in my circle of friends. I was a germaphobe long before germaphobes were "cool."

My daughters know that hips - while helpful for childbirth, are more often beneficial in the avoidance of infection from lingering bacteria in restrooms, restaurants, theaters, malls, church, etc. They were taught at an early age, to hold/open/close doors with an intentional 'jut' of the hip or with the aid of a clean paper towel. 

My three cherubs were well-trained in the art of handwashing. They are well-versed in the pitfalls associated with direct contact between fingers and elevator buttons, shopping carts, hotel remotes, and so forth.  They've all been subject to "handwashing inspection" before meals, etc. 

Imagine the shock when MY little ones returned home from camp one summer, with itchy, stubborn little souveneirs called lice! It's easy to judge others who have "RID" in their shopping cart and assume they lack "stringent hygiene practices".  Once this "evil" infests your own brood, it's a quick and humbling reminder that we are ALL one decision away from corruption. All instructions regarding sharing of hair brushes and baseball caps, "out the window" when Mom wasn't looking and now there was a price to be paid.  Those nasty little creatures will spread easily and enthusiastically - infesting anyone in close contact. Often, the newly infected are totally unaware of the prior infestee's condition. My retrospective opinion: Maybe God designed the "louse" for illustrative purposes. Sin and lice share many commonalities, some embedded above ...and more to come.

It's convicting to realize that on a daily basis, I've often been far more intentional in circumventing a cold or flu than circumventing the subtle, yet potentially lethal effects of contact with sin. Sin (like lice) latches on with a fierceness - yet, it's not always easily detected by onlookers. Nor are the effects felt immediately.  Once infestation of either is known - a daunting, ferocious battle with the enemy ensues.  It's a battle that at times feels hopeless and helpless - it's one that overwhelms and embarrasses.  It's one that isolates you from the ones that aren't contaminated - and in some cases, leads to a "label" that you'd definitely not want associated with you (or your family.)  Prevention is a far better option than eradication. It's a long, arduous process to become free from affliction.  You can deceive yourself into thinking you're free, relax a bit and then realize "you're not free from it after all."

It's easy for us to consider others' circumstances with an attitude of superiority because we aren't murderers, adulterers, thieves, etc. HOWEVER, sin is sin - whether it's gossip, speeding on the way to church (that one gets a lot of rationalization), uncontrolled anger, idolatry, etc.  We all fall short. Sin is a slippery slope.  Without realizing it, a Bible Study can become a gossip session, an overbooked calendar becomes an idol, someone's uncontrolled anger toward us leads to a response lacking self-control, and potentially, further rage. These examples (and more) are damaging to the witness of Christians everywhere. They are damaging to the reputation of Christ.

My flesh sometimes leads me to brisk conclusions about others, but the Holy Spirit quickly reminds me of my own frailty - and that of my husband and children.  Who am I to judge others???  It's not my place.  My family is definitely not immune.  I am just another imperfect person, capable of horrible things - in great need of an even greater Savior. 

My prayer from this day forward is that my thoughts go to Jesus whenever I'm about to encounter contamination of any kind. The One infinitely effective at eradicating any and all contamination, not just 99.4% effective against "some" threats, but effective against ALL threats and for ETERNITY. 


  1. Good thoughts. God has written his laws on mens hearts so they do have an internal reminder to flee sin. He has also made our bodies with an immune system to help "flee" the sin of germs as well. We should be always on guard for the folly of sin in our lives. And I am all for fighting the "germ" sin as well, as long as we don't take it too far. Sometimes, unfortunately, you have to experience some element of sin in order to get the danger into our thick human skin.

  2. This was great, Tawnda! You sound just like sanitary little ole me. I was so excited when the first antibacterial hand sanitizer was placed on the market.

    My kids too had the lice infestation. It was a humbling experience for me as well.
