Thursday, June 28, 2012

Trinidad: The Plot Thickens

No matter how many times I get on a plane, I still enjoy the window seat. We just completed takeoff from Miami and the views from my window were both spectacular and thought provoking. Spectacular was the clear, bright blue sky in contrast to the bright, cottony clouds. Thought provoking was the shrinking image of busy city streets and neighborhoods for as far as visibility allowed.

Fortunately, I was able to capture a few photos of the neighborhoods before we were over the Atlantic. Looking at streets lined with homes reminded me of something dear hubby and I often say when in "people watching" mode: "everybody has a story". As silly as it seems, we've sometimes speculated as to the plots of certain passers-by.

In all probability, a square mile of suburbia is fraught with a million little stories, some intertwine with other "characters" in the community adding a level of joy in some cases, while relationship drama exists in the stories of others. The culdesacs we just passed over are likely full of children thrilled its summer - while on the inside of their homes, all kinds of "the real housewives of Miami-Dade" drama is unfolding. Not that those culdesacs are any different than the ones we all live on.

On any street visited, if exposed to the realities of its residents - we'd find heartache, frustration, and depression interspersed with pockets of joy and contentment. The interesting bit is the circumstances and challenges faced are often similar. So, how is it that marital struggles, financial upheaval, prodigal children, cancer, death, and disappointment can visit our households and yield radically different responses? Ah, of course its largely because of faith.

Christians aren't immune to the difficulties of this life - in fact, trials are guaranteed in the lives of Believers. This "guarantee" is not an implication that we all emerge from trials completely unscathed but we do tend to emerge with greater faith and compassion for others who will walk thru similar storms in life. For these reasons and more, we are on a flight bound for Port of Spain, Trinidad.

We will share our stories and the way Christ has carried us through rough times; we will share the hope and healing found only in Him- and we will surely hear of many Trini ladies' stories as well. Pray that we will be attentive, empathetic listeners as we intersect this next chapter of our lives with theirs. Pray that God will use us, giving us His Words as a healing balm to the afflicted. We have been told of typical mindsets in this primarily Hindu region. We have learned of culturally specific challenges facing women and their daughters - situations most of us could never fathom back home. They need hope. They need healing.

One of the encouraging cards hidden in my bookbag reads: "Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil 1:6) On the inside, it reads "I'm believing great things for you!"

Everybody has a story...and for those of us with faith in Christ, we know that whatever "Real Housewives drama" comes our way - our stories will have a Heavenly conclusion! As long as breath remains in our bodies, anyone can change the ending of their own story while finding greater joy, comfort, purpose and peace in the meanwhile. Not a bed of roses by any means - but infinitely better than the alternative - literally!

Believe great things for us. Believe great things for the women of Trinidad! Our stories are all far from over (we assume). While this next chapter is unwritten, its pregnant with opportunity for blessings, adventure and life change. It's looking really exciting - turn the page!


PS - all teammates doing well so far - most are sleeping... I will probably regret not napping!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Your wisdom never ceases to amaze. You just be the wonderful lady that God created you to be and these ladies will flock to you for reasons that they can't understand and you will surely feed them with whatever they need. Your sweet pure voice will light up their lives. Do I sound like a proud Mama? Well I am - you are a great daughter, sister, and friend. I am excited, scared and a little jealous of your journey....there is a reason you are where you are and I expect great things and more wonderful stories! Much love and prayer my sweet girl!! Lorie

  2. Thank you for your message! We are heading
    To Trinidad on July 13. Praying for you guys
    And can't wait to hear more about your
    Trip. God Bless all if you!!
