Saturday, June 30, 2012

Trinidad: Open Handed

A quick update written Friday night from the 2nd top bunk in Trinidad - this one at Victory Heights Retreat Center, the venue for our ladies' conference:

You who know me well, have been chiding me through giggles concerning my "selective tendencies" when it comes to cuisine...and to germs in general. This trip is evidence of many things, not excluding God's sense of humor. I will post pics at a later time to substantiate said claims - just know HE's enjoying this! (And yes, I/we are all being stretched in the process!)

I will say that the four hour flight delay out of Miami yesterday was God showing extreme grace. Unbeknownst to us at the time, that delay got us out of plucking & preparing dead chickens!

While food has been an issue for some of us - it really is insignificant in the grand scheme of things! We have had several last minute changes to well-laid plans. We have had no choice but to flex - and yet, He has already shown up in a mighty way! Tonight was truly AWESOME - because HE was speaking to the hearts of women in ways that cannot be planned or orchestrated by us! Hilary's first message of the weekend was well received by the women here. She spoke on John 3:16 - one of the first passages we learn as baby Christians, and the one readily seen in sports arenas everywhere! yet, women in my breakout group admitted to hearing it in a different way than ever before. More than a few women have shared with us that they truly felt God has them here for specific reasons - many tied to tonight's message.

Others identified with one or more of us through the cardboard testimonies we all shared as Hilary closed. We all walked to the center of the stage with our cardboard. One side contained strongholds, patterns, wounds or struggles in our own penmanship. After several seconds passed we flipped our boards to reveal how Jesus has freed, healed and redeemed those challenges.

So, one phrase/philosophy we have claimed many times in preparation for and since arriving is "holding it all with an open hand." These are not empty words but a way of life too often hard to embrace in the comfort of "home." As someone with a penchant for order, punctuality, and well executed plans - I'm being reminded of the greater need for success of any kind and in any setting - giving it all to Him, hands laid open with the release, in position to receive greater blessing! It's an elementary principle - yet I so easily forget and then attempt to "manage" the situation in order to achieve MY desired outcome. (okay, God I get the message!)

Somehow, I don't think he minds that I sneaked a pack of crackers into the dining area! It's not really about the food for our tummies - its about the "Bread of Life".

Well, I'm the only one still biggest problem at the moment will probably be crawling down the ladder, waking up Kim and having her escort me down the breezeway to the restroom. (guaranteed to get a response!) I'm so glad she's my friend!

In closing, we have 3 main sessions, 1 devotional, 2 team member testimonies, and a myriad of breakout sessions with organized activity tomorrow. Please pray boldly that God will use each of us in amazing ways and that HE will be glorified through all that is said and done. Pray that we will not grow weary from the heat, bugs, and steady activity. Pray for Cathy and I as we share our testimonies tomorrow - hers after lunch, mine during the evening session. Pray for Hilary as she will speak multiple times tomorrow; pray for Kim as she leads us all to The Throne in worship. Pray for each beautiful woman ages 12-90 as they rest tonight in preparation for God's Word to penetrate their heart tomorrow.

(from my iPad - please forgive typos and whacky formatting)

Holding Everything with an open (and frequently sanitized) hand,

Ps - thanks for following this grand adventure! We love the comments and all the prayers!

(yes, Britt - that was a very fitting card - living adventurously, mom!)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I knew you would need a little extra push to be adventurous :)
