Saturday, June 30, 2012

Trinidad: Open Handed

A quick update written Friday night from the 2nd top bunk in Trinidad - this one at Victory Heights Retreat Center, the venue for our ladies' conference:

You who know me well, have been chiding me through giggles concerning my "selective tendencies" when it comes to cuisine...and to germs in general. This trip is evidence of many things, not excluding God's sense of humor. I will post pics at a later time to substantiate said claims - just know HE's enjoying this! (And yes, I/we are all being stretched in the process!)

I will say that the four hour flight delay out of Miami yesterday was God showing extreme grace. Unbeknownst to us at the time, that delay got us out of plucking & preparing dead chickens!

While food has been an issue for some of us - it really is insignificant in the grand scheme of things! We have had several last minute changes to well-laid plans. We have had no choice but to flex - and yet, He has already shown up in a mighty way! Tonight was truly AWESOME - because HE was speaking to the hearts of women in ways that cannot be planned or orchestrated by us! Hilary's first message of the weekend was well received by the women here. She spoke on John 3:16 - one of the first passages we learn as baby Christians, and the one readily seen in sports arenas everywhere! yet, women in my breakout group admitted to hearing it in a different way than ever before. More than a few women have shared with us that they truly felt God has them here for specific reasons - many tied to tonight's message.

Others identified with one or more of us through the cardboard testimonies we all shared as Hilary closed. We all walked to the center of the stage with our cardboard. One side contained strongholds, patterns, wounds or struggles in our own penmanship. After several seconds passed we flipped our boards to reveal how Jesus has freed, healed and redeemed those challenges.

So, one phrase/philosophy we have claimed many times in preparation for and since arriving is "holding it all with an open hand." These are not empty words but a way of life too often hard to embrace in the comfort of "home." As someone with a penchant for order, punctuality, and well executed plans - I'm being reminded of the greater need for success of any kind and in any setting - giving it all to Him, hands laid open with the release, in position to receive greater blessing! It's an elementary principle - yet I so easily forget and then attempt to "manage" the situation in order to achieve MY desired outcome. (okay, God I get the message!)

Somehow, I don't think he minds that I sneaked a pack of crackers into the dining area! It's not really about the food for our tummies - its about the "Bread of Life".

Well, I'm the only one still biggest problem at the moment will probably be crawling down the ladder, waking up Kim and having her escort me down the breezeway to the restroom. (guaranteed to get a response!) I'm so glad she's my friend!

In closing, we have 3 main sessions, 1 devotional, 2 team member testimonies, and a myriad of breakout sessions with organized activity tomorrow. Please pray boldly that God will use each of us in amazing ways and that HE will be glorified through all that is said and done. Pray that we will not grow weary from the heat, bugs, and steady activity. Pray for Cathy and I as we share our testimonies tomorrow - hers after lunch, mine during the evening session. Pray for Hilary as she will speak multiple times tomorrow; pray for Kim as she leads us all to The Throne in worship. Pray for each beautiful woman ages 12-90 as they rest tonight in preparation for God's Word to penetrate their heart tomorrow.

(from my iPad - please forgive typos and whacky formatting)

Holding Everything with an open (and frequently sanitized) hand,

Ps - thanks for following this grand adventure! We love the comments and all the prayers!

(yes, Britt - that was a very fitting card - living adventurously, mom!)

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Rise and shine!

Good morning friends & family!

We are waking up (slowly)...I can smell breakfast - not sure what we are having as its local fare. (I have plenty of protein bars & trail mix "just in case".

Roosters are crowing outside (really does sound like Jefferson, Perry - trust me though, way way different!)

Okay, here we grow! (yes, grow!)

Time to climb off the top bunk!


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Location:Factory Rd,,Trinidad and Tobago

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Trinidad: The Plot Thickens

No matter how many times I get on a plane, I still enjoy the window seat. We just completed takeoff from Miami and the views from my window were both spectacular and thought provoking. Spectacular was the clear, bright blue sky in contrast to the bright, cottony clouds. Thought provoking was the shrinking image of busy city streets and neighborhoods for as far as visibility allowed.

Fortunately, I was able to capture a few photos of the neighborhoods before we were over the Atlantic. Looking at streets lined with homes reminded me of something dear hubby and I often say when in "people watching" mode: "everybody has a story". As silly as it seems, we've sometimes speculated as to the plots of certain passers-by.

In all probability, a square mile of suburbia is fraught with a million little stories, some intertwine with other "characters" in the community adding a level of joy in some cases, while relationship drama exists in the stories of others. The culdesacs we just passed over are likely full of children thrilled its summer - while on the inside of their homes, all kinds of "the real housewives of Miami-Dade" drama is unfolding. Not that those culdesacs are any different than the ones we all live on.

On any street visited, if exposed to the realities of its residents - we'd find heartache, frustration, and depression interspersed with pockets of joy and contentment. The interesting bit is the circumstances and challenges faced are often similar. So, how is it that marital struggles, financial upheaval, prodigal children, cancer, death, and disappointment can visit our households and yield radically different responses? Ah, of course its largely because of faith.

Christians aren't immune to the difficulties of this life - in fact, trials are guaranteed in the lives of Believers. This "guarantee" is not an implication that we all emerge from trials completely unscathed but we do tend to emerge with greater faith and compassion for others who will walk thru similar storms in life. For these reasons and more, we are on a flight bound for Port of Spain, Trinidad.

We will share our stories and the way Christ has carried us through rough times; we will share the hope and healing found only in Him- and we will surely hear of many Trini ladies' stories as well. Pray that we will be attentive, empathetic listeners as we intersect this next chapter of our lives with theirs. Pray that God will use us, giving us His Words as a healing balm to the afflicted. We have been told of typical mindsets in this primarily Hindu region. We have learned of culturally specific challenges facing women and their daughters - situations most of us could never fathom back home. They need hope. They need healing.

One of the encouraging cards hidden in my bookbag reads: "Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil 1:6) On the inside, it reads "I'm believing great things for you!"

Everybody has a story...and for those of us with faith in Christ, we know that whatever "Real Housewives drama" comes our way - our stories will have a Heavenly conclusion! As long as breath remains in our bodies, anyone can change the ending of their own story while finding greater joy, comfort, purpose and peace in the meanwhile. Not a bed of roses by any means - but infinitely better than the alternative - literally!

Believe great things for us. Believe great things for the women of Trinidad! Our stories are all far from over (we assume). While this next chapter is unwritten, its pregnant with opportunity for blessings, adventure and life change. It's looking really exciting - turn the page!


PS - all teammates doing well so far - most are sleeping... I will probably regret not napping!

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Just added a blogging app on my phone - Hopefully, this will enable simple, short updated.

Taking off from Miami now (after a few minor glitches - its all good!)


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Trinidad: Wisps & Other Stuff

Well, our Trinidad adventure has commenced! Four of us spent the night in a hotel near the airport - that was a very wise move (especially, for non morning people like me!) The hotel stay also afforded closer bonding with those present! We learned things about each other that were complete unknowns until last night. We also laughed a great deal and were able to start our morning off with prayer for the entire team, for our travels today, the families, friends and pets we all left behind...and for the women we will all encounter in a matter of hours.

So far, God has shown great favor in numerous ways: for instance, my checked bag exceeded maximum weight by .5 lbs - instead of a $100 fee - I got a casual wink and a nod! We are presently in the Miami airport and the flight from Atl to here was uneventful (and NO crying babies or barfing nervous flyers on board!)

With limited room in my bookbag, I packed minimal toiletries including "wisps". Most military moms are all too familiar with this ingenious invention: a small, pre-pasted, disposable tooth brush. As I was brushing my teeth this morning, I was reminded of the many "wisp-filled" care packages I sent to my son when he was in Afghanistan. He, and thousands of other troops have gone there to bring hope, peace, and a new system of government to the Afghani people.

Standing at the sink, it occurred to me that Kelly, Barb, Trish, Elizabeth, Kim, Hilary, Cathy and myself are "troops" - heading to the battlefield. Like Tyler, we are going to a war zone with a mission of taking the hope, and peace found in Christ to desperate people. We want to give them a new ruler as well, A King - THE KING!

Another interesting parallel- the value of encouragement and prayers from those we love back home! I was brought to tears when I realized my husband, my daughter and my "adoptive mom" wrote letters of encouragement, prayers and scripture for me to open each day we are in active battle. (The phone messages, texts, Facebook comments are meaningful not just to the individual recipients but to our entire team!) Please keep'em coming!

We will update from Trinidad when time and connectivity permit!

Pray for us as we board the next flight to Port of Spain - we'll have "boots on the ground" in just a few short hours! (chacos, sperrys, keds, and flip flops anyway)

Love to all,

PS-posted from my iPad - please forgive grammatical errors and overall aesthetics!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mirror, Mirror

“Mirror Mirror” was not on my list of “Must See” movies, yet it was the option selected by a group of friends tonight.  The gist of Disney’s classic “Snow White” is still familiar to me.  That same version, re-released in the early 90s just happens also to be the very first animated film I took my baby girl was also the first and last film we ever had to leave early.  (Looking back, it was a little too intense for a toddler – oops, a Rookie Mom mistake.)

Movies are my “thing”.  I’m the type that likes to watch and re-watch great movies for missed clues, editorial mistakes, and quite simply – entertainment.  Sometimes, movies serve as a great escape when a week or particular day has been a bit overwhelming. However, if a movie fails to capture interest, my eyes are the first in the room to grow heavy.   Tonight, as I sat comfortably, well-fed and hydrated from a yummy dinner beforehand – my greatest concern was falling asleep.  Instead, I kept wishing a “pause” button was within reach – along with a notebook and pen.  There were so many “life applicable” gems incorporated into the revised familiar classic.  As we left the theater, I asked a friend if it was “just me” or were the multiple life and redemption references brazenly apparent to everyone. 

Background/Refresher: Snow White was born into nobility, but her mother died leaving her without a mom.  An evil woman later married her dad, thus becoming Queen.  Through evil manipulation, the king was soon out of the picture, no longer reining over his castle or the Kingdom.  The Evil Monarch (Julia Roberts) was rather conniving and manipulative to say the least.  A woman engulfed with pride – yet obviously painfully insecure.  She despised Snow White; so much that she manipulated others into believing deceitful lies about the “fairest of all” - the cherished and beautiful daughter of the King.  In this modern day version, the embittered Queen attempts to land a fifth husband, not for love, nor romance – but for selfish greed and continued control. 

Disclaimer:  Having seen this film just once and only an hour ago (and without a notebook!), here are a few plotlines and quotes that, in my humble moviegoer opinion, have great relevance to life, especially, to the lives of girls; and to those of us who have known the sensation of being in the crosshairs of another’s unyielding jealousy and envy. Not everyone has experienced being the target of such animosity, but I’m willing to bet that most of us have.  (If not, we have a friend who can likely relate.)

Quotes and Commentary:

The Queen Regarding Snow White: “She is a threat to everything, take her to the woods and feed her to the beast!”

Isn’t it interesting how bullies are often able to rally support simply by wagging their lying tongues?  I see the Queen as nothing more than a “Royal Bully”. Bullies secure the loyalty of their “supporters” by implementing a “gift with purchase” business model. If you give me your support in destroying or at least significantly damaging the life of someone I loathe – validating me in the process, you’ll receive: a spot at the cool kids’ lunch table, a new bike, a luxury vacation, a partnership in business, a promotion, FILL IN THE BLANK! (Some people are willing to sell their integrity for minimal, quickly fleeting and superficial gain!)

In one situation witnessed recently, the “Real Life Evil Queen” built her army by funding various wants and needs of her constituents.  She preys on the ones easily swayed, with the ultimate goal of controlling their actions long term.  The “bought” person(s) eventually attain a level of dependence making it uncomfortable to break free from the control – even when breaking free becomes desired. 

I’ve also seen it take years for some to realize they’ve been caught in this trap, but once free – they are all the wiser, and not at all surprised to see others caught in the same cycle, with the same conniving bully.
Baker Margaret to Snow: “The Queen has the whole kingdom convinced you are nothing but a pathetic shut it. The worst is, she has you believing it too.” 

Like Snow, it can be a little too easy for us to view our significance in a manner consistent with the opinions of others.  That is dangerous and shortsighted!  Our value is not contingent with or decided by friends, family, coworkers - or other external factors.  Too often we forget that!

The Queen regarding Snow White: “Snow will have to do what she does best.  Snow will have to fall!” 

hmmmm – fall?  (Interesting, especially when we consider “All fall short…..”)

The Queen to Snow White regarding a shiny red apple: “It would warm my ancient heart if you could accept this modest gift on your wedding day.”

Snow White: “It's very kind of you.”

The Queen: “Just one bite... and a good fortune to the fairest of them all.”

Okay – I don’t have to tell you what apple this reminded me of!  (The Evil Queen seems to have a great deal in common with The Evil One...pride, deceit, tempest, building a self-serving contingency....the list goes on.)

Dwarves to Snow: “A weakness is only a weakness if you think of it that way.” 
In our weakness…His power is made perfect – and He makes us strong.


Perhaps, my favorite recurring theme of the movie was this: No matter who plotted against Snow White, regardless of the weapons and war waged against her, in spite of the lies temporarily believed by some, nothing, nothing, nothing kept her from being the Daughter of the King!  We can all rest in this truth. No one can take away our birthright! No one can separate us from the Love of the Father. 

I looked it up and don’t see any reference to Gregory Maguire’s faith (author of Mirror Mirror…Wicked, and other fairy tale rewrites), however I did note that the Brothers Grimm added Christian elements to their stories (authors of the original Snow White.)  Without time to research their story methods, my hunch is they were well familiar with scripture.  If not, they were well versed in human nature and the ongoing battle between good and evil. 

So, the “fairy tale ending” is not a fairy tale at all – it’s an eternal promise:

We CAN all be Snow White….

I hear the Savior say,
Thy strength indeed is small!
Child of weakness, watch and pray,
Find in Me thine all in all

Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

Lord, now indeed I find
power, and Thine alone,
Can change the leper's spots
And melt the heart of stone

Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

For nothing good have I
Where-by Thy grace to claim
I'll wash my garments white
In the blood of Calvary's Lamb

Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

And when before the throne
I stand in Him
Jesus died my soul to save
My lips shall still repeat

Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow
(Jesus Paid it All)
Note: comment/updated info on this song from "Terry" below: