Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Big O - Steady Progress & Slaying the Sock Monster!

Well, it's been several days since my last "big o" update....that doesn't mean it's fallen off the priority list.  In fact, in any possible moment at home - I've continued to chip away at my reorg list. In a perfect world, every evening I would've been in project mode from the moment dinner dishes were done until bedtime.... but this is not a perfect world. Life is messy and unpredictable.  (Further incentive for organized living!) 

In the interest of time, here are just a few brief tidbits about recent progress and inspiration:

No less than 40 lawn bags and 20+ boxes have left our home in the last 2 weeks. While a garage sale may have brought in a fraction of the amount initially spent on discards, it didn't seem worth the time and energy investment right now. Quite honestly, it feels good to know others are being aided ....and it was much simpler.  No advertising required - no labeling, pricing, hanging, stacking and haggling with buyers in my driveway. Donations have been bagged, tagged and promptly removed from our home!

I mentioned before that a substantial donation of household items, books, clothes, furniture and small applicances was made to benefit a Mission team going to the Honduras this summer. Watching the UHaul truck leave the base of my driveway with our family's unnecessary items that were stuffed in drawers, closets and the basement - was a great thing! 

Several small items have been given to friends with a large family - books, games and equipment that are in great condition - with much use remaining.  Another dear friend was the benefactor of several magazines...and will remain as such.  Numerous magazines arrive in our mailbox each month - instead of just throwing them away, I'll now give them to a friend who doesn't subscribe to them.  (As she pointed out, they may be a month or two old - but they are still new to her!) 

To cap it off - several boxes and bags of clothes that have been lingering in our closets for too long are now in the hands of homeless women vets. Five members of  BSMA GA Chapter 1 - went to Columbus this weekend for a Veteran Stand down.  It was a truly humbling experience on many levels.  Women who once served our country in the military and are now struggling - have benefitted from the closet chaos accumulated in recent years. It was well worth the fully packed car and 2 hour drive to bless those ladies! (Thank you thyroid -  for the many variations, sizes and shapes my form has taken!)

In closing, let's talk about the Sock Monster.  You know how over time, an army of socks of all sizes and colors disappears at the hand of that invisible yet existent tyrant, who frustrates moms and little league coaches, and eeks his way into plenty of marital discussions.  Several years ago, I decided it was foolish to put single/random socks out of the dryer into my family's bedrooms.  If a rogue sock appeared - it was tossed into a basket on the top shelf of my laundry room.  Granted, every now and then, the basket is dumped on the kitchen table and the rogue socks are often united with their long lost companion.  It has become clear lately that not all socks are so fortunate.  Without a doubt, many are eternally separated from their match having been left at camps, gyms, school, sleepovers, hotels, etc.  Oftentimes, those long remaining spinsters have been tossed in to the trash.   What was I thinking???

When your'e ready to slay the sock monster - and come away victorious, sift through your loners and place the longstanding rebels in a shipping box and seal it with packing tape.  All you have to do is figure out which mailing address to use.  There are a multitude of non-profits that DESIRE random socks.  If your heart is for amputees (veteran or civilian) - there are a multitude of places to send your single socks.  If your  heart is for children, maybe you'll want to send your single socks to a children's hospital, children's ministry, orphanage, or even local schools to be used as sock puppets for teaching or for bringing smiles. If you're an animal lover, you'll be interested to know that several wildlife organizations utilize random socks as feeders for birds and other wildlife.  The United Way even accepts unpaired socks for educational programs for families.  Diabetes treatment centers will often accept orphaned socks - and of course, our homeless shelters are overflowing with people with cares far greater than coordinated stockings.... they are in need of warmth.  Where your heart is.... your unusable socks may follow! 

Here are just a few of many available options - search online for an opportunity that appeals to you:


Well, I've accomplished far more than the above in recent days - but I feel best about the ways others may benefit from my spring cleaning.  Try it - it's far easier, less time consuming and helps a myriad of others who may need assistance. 

More to come....Soon, I promise.  (I've got pictures - mine and some from friends and family to share!)  Keep motivated - I am. 


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