Friday, April 13, 2012

The Big O - Look for "Win-Wins"

Well, the last few days have hit our family with more than one "surprise".... I'd like to say they are all the best kind - but that would be dishonest.  Life doesn't stop when trials come, but we adapt and keep moving forward.  With every hit, we learn more about ourselves; the strength of our family; the depth of our faith; the value of friendship - and the infinite value of prayer, and the often discounted value of rest.  Quite honestly, in times like these - "order" is of greater signifcance than in times of "no drama."

Again, not much time to elaborate personally today, but organizational baby steps are still happening.  With a packed weekend in front of us - the baby steps will continue for a few days.  It's funny - but there is something strangely comforting about seeing personal progress toward a goal - that brings a bit of satisfaction, even in the midst of chaos. 
As I shared the last time, scheduling a "pick up" of donations is a great way to motivate one in the process of "clutter removal!"  With all that has been going on this week, my inclination was to cancel the pickup - but instead it remained on the calendar.  (Granted, not as much time was available to work on closets, basement, etc.)   Last night, it was probably good for me to expend frustration by loading boxes and lawn bags with discards.  Not only did the discards lessen the "stuff" in our home - but they will benefit others.  That actually feels good.  (And so much easier than coordinating a rummage sale.)  Of course, there's the added benefit of a tax deduction!   

So - today's tip - keep moving forward!  Every day, we're either moving closer toward or further from our target (whatever the target may be.)  "Baby steps" toward the desired outcome are far better than standing still. 

In just a short amount of time, here's a sampling of what was bagged/boxed and taken away this afternoon:

A desk, a floor lamp, several paintings, 2 large pieces of wall art, 2 large bookcases, a VCR, small television, mirrored dressing table, several large bags of MY clothes, school supplies, home decor, a vaccum, books, movies, toys, linens, etc. These items were all contributed to a ministry, ultimately benefitting a 20 member team heading to the Honduras this summer.  (I have another week to make another "clean sweep" through the basement in hopes of helping a bit more!)  

A "win-win" - the ministry picked the donated items up, I never left the house. 
The unnecessary clutter is not just eliminated, but will benefit others longterm.  

Bonus:  A fun little "organizational style" inventory is available at:

check it out for a few storage tips - combatible with your style
(my result was perfectionist librarian...hmmm)


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