Thursday, October 27, 2011

Near Death Experiences...What do they Mean?

My daughters and a handful of friends have been raving about the book, “Heaven is for Real” by Todd Burpo.  Without giving the entire story line away, it’s a three year old’s account of three minutes in Heaven.  Remembering Matt Lauer’s interview of the Burpo Family in March of this year added to the intrigue, so I brought it to the beach this week.  In complete transparency, there were four small theological points in the book that gave me pause.  I’ve written those down and will research scripture later – I may be “off” in my thinking, but want to go straight to the Word to find out. Even with my “gut checks” there is more than enough information that, if accurately recorded, points to a child’s amazing opportunity to gain contemporary heavenly insight.  The Burpo’s faith and the faith of many in their small town seem to have gotten a huge boost – understandably so.
After turning the final page of “Heaven is for Real” – my mind took me on a journey back to the accident which almost took my life just before turning 15.  Nowadays, I don’t often think of that day and the months/years of medical procedures and corresponding recovery.  However, certain anniversaries, metal detectors and random physical aches that come out of nowhere will on occasion, remind me.  (

In the days that followed my accident, I shared with my parents what I perceived as my own “out of body” or “near death” experience.  It sounds strange to say, and it's even more peculiar to put in writing.  I can still clearly see myself in an emergency room, laying on a gurney and being worked on by a team of medical professionals.  I don’t recall what they said – or exactly what they were doing, but the image of hurried attention is burned in my mind.  The next thing I remember is  “KNOWING” that I was expected to die (but never being told.) Following that was a short stream of people coming to my side, crying and while I don’t recall specific words, they were saying goodbye.  If memory is accurate, it was during this time that my Dad never left my side; specifically he stood at or behind my head.  In the midst of the “visits” from immediate family, friends and my Uncle Jerry – Dad never stopped being “my dad.”  He pulled the white sheet up higher on my neck – if he could’ve, I’m sure he would have quickly fashioned a turtleneck for me out of another sheet.  He was always uber conservative minded when it came to how his oldest daughter should dress.  (Not that there was an actual issue at that time of my life!)  At 15 – I was extremely conservative-minded and ultra-modest, and overall rather geeky.  Nothing in me wanted to test fashion boundaries until at least a year and a half later.
In the account above, the same one shared with my parents 28 years ago – I never saw a “white light”.  With vivid recall, I can still “see” myself from up above – positioned in the left, far corner of the room facing the entrance.   However, there is nothing in my mind that even vaguely suggests the presence of God, Jesus, Angels, or family members who had gone before me.  Sometimes I hear those stories and it just further perplexes me.  Maybe at the time there was some other “being” present and I didn’t hold on to that.  Then again, who really knows what happens during those times our bodies are on the cusp of leaving this world? I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was my experience. 
In the past, I’ve shared this information with only a select few.  Often, if you share something of a supernatural nature, people will just look at you like you’ve been smoking crack.  Of course, there are those who attempt to “explain” it away – making MY very real experience conform to a small box they are comfortable with.  My dad neither validated nor discounted my recollection, but did affirm the events, the setup/appearance of the room, staff, equipment, etc.  My mother was quick to point out that I must have been consciously paying attention to my surroundings via a light fixture positioned above me.  When I vehemently disputed that theory, blame was placed on the drugs administered in the days that followed.  NOTE:  No drugs were given to me in the ER due to the nature and suspected severity of internal/head  injuries. Even in the days that followed – I was taken to surgical rooms for procedures on my face and head – minus anesthesia.  (Gradually, I was able to have shots around my eyes, nose and mouth – a light “local”.  Those shots were likely worse than the pain they were intended to mask.)
My thoughts this morning also took me to my grandmother’s hospital room last September.  Fortunately, I had received a call from a cousin alerting me to the severity of her health; otherwise I’d not have known her condition was so grim.  Bill and I were able to make the drive to Copper Hill, TN to see Nannie one final time.  The sight of her was amazing to behold.  It was hard not to cry when seeing my 5’10” quick-witted, sharp-as-a-tack grandmother lying so frail – weakened physically and mentally.  She literally looked like a smaller, weakened version of herself.    On the most recent visit, a few months beforehand – her once bright mind was clearly not that anymore.  She still had moments of clarity and a sense of humor.  Physically, you’d never know anything was wrong with her.  The September visit proved shocking.  
Nannie was so frail that it was difficult for her to get liquid from a straw held to her mouth.  As I sat facing her on the bed – she kept looking over my shoulder, smiling.  Sometimes her tiny body would even come up off the bed and her outstretched arms would reach toward “something” over my shoulder.  In these moments she sometimes seemed to have a childlike, anticipatory expression.  She was smiling widely with excitement and uttering words I couldn’t really understand.  As we hugged her for the last time, and made our way back home – I couldn’t stop thinking about and wondering what or who it was she was “seeing” with such excitement.  Whatever the case, her apparent delight was and is a comfort.
So, these events are great mysteries to me, falling under the heading:  “things we’ll not understand as long as we are living.”   Too many others – Christian and otherwise, have shared similar stories to the ones above.  I’ve asked a Christian doctor his perspective and he concurs that there is “something” and he has seen it many times when a patient’s life is approaching an end.  With his medical education, and decades of serving in ministry and in the medical profession - he doesn’t have the answers.  I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising that this “phenomenon” continues to perplex me as well.
In closing, the image of my Dad standing by me in what was to have been my final hour is now a strange gift. In the midst of emotional chaos, he was still protective of my dignity.   I knew then and know now that he loved me, his daughter, as a dad should.  Unusual circumstances today mean that I’m not able to often see or hear from him. These odd but real memories are now reassuring to my “daughter’s heart.”  Perhaps, if nothing greater – this unexplainable experience serves today as a sweet reminder; confirmation God knew in advance, would mean the world to me now.   
It doesn't matter that I ever fully understand the events of that day...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

LFS: A non-professional, but highly experienced and Passionate Perspective

43 years, two months, and 1 day ago – a brand new little girl was driven home by her equally new parents.  Her proud daddy quickly opened the passenger door, taking the baby from her mother’s arms. He carried her inside.  Minutes later, “Mother” realized that her husband wasn’t coming out to aid his newly non-pregnant wife's exit from the car.  He was inside the house, ecstatic and proudly rocking his baby girl.  Based on the number of times this story has been shared over the years, along with the commentary and recounts of grandmothers and extended family on both sides; the innocent baby’s LFS in the eyes of her mother, was sealed.   “LFS” you wonder?

In recent weeks, the Today show on NBC highlighted a story from “Time Magazine”:  “Favoritism, why Mom likes you or one of your Siblings Best.”  The acronym LFS = “Least Favored Status”, was since added to my vocabulary.  The catalyst for media attention was a single chapter taken from a recent book by Jeffrey Kluger, “The Sibling Effect: What the bonds among Brothers and Sisters Reveal about Us.” 
Back to the baby girl from paragraph 1:  Two siblings were added to the family and the LFS grew more obvious to all.  The innocent little girl grew up much like a contemporary Cinderella, but in her family of origin; not with a wicked evil stepmother/sisters, as in the Disney version.  She was largely responsible for any cleaning that was actually performed.  She was too often held accountable for the care of her younger siblings.  If one of the younger ones was blatantly disobedient – fault fell upon the LFS.  She was disciplined, often to extreme.  One instance quickly comes to mind:  the LF daughter – along with the MF daughter and MF son were being cared for overnight by a much older babysitter.  The always rebellious, MF little sister obtained scissors and cut her bangs to the scalp.  When “Mother” came home the next day – the oldest, LF – received a physical and verbal beating for an infraction she had no part in.  No one else suffered a consequence.    So, that was her lot in life.  Punishment, retribution, “child labor” and irrational responsibility for the actions of others fell upon this little girl.  It’s no wonder that she pursued every opportunity to spend time with friends, relatives, and a literal escape via extracurricular activities.
Fast forward two decades:  “Cinderella” marries her Prince Charming and they raise a family of their own.  Plagued by memories of her ill-fated family position, she goes to great extremes to ensure her children never experience the pain or perception of LFS.  At Christmas, she continues to make sure each of her children have the same number of packages to open – and that the same amount of money is spent on each child collectively.  Over the children’s academic careers –she rotates her “room mom duties” – taking turns as room parent, team mom, troop mom, etc.  for all three children until the last reached high school.  As with all of us – life experience greatly influenced her style of parenting.  

While it makes sense that some children are easier for parents to “get along with”; require less “redirection”; excel academically; possess similar interests/preferences as a parent.”  It is, in my humble and experienced position – ABUSIVE, to pick and elevate a favorite among the rest.   While it’s ridiculous to treat all children IDENTICALLY, it’s not at all ridiculous to expect a level of fairness.   Children are unique beings, complete with individual gifts and challenges.
When I see children discounted for any reason, it gets under my skin in an incredible way.  There is currently a commercial for ATT U-verse that quite simply annoys the heck out of me.  I know it feeds the minds of other children across the country that are watching and are either A) the presumed favorite or B) the presumed least favorite.  Obviously, the family is portrayed by actors - but it still "bothers me".  (Poor Kyle!)
Let’s face it – some of us may have a child that drains us emotionally, physically, financially, etc.  But we cannot let that child ever live under the impression that he/she is of less significance than the others.   Some of us may have a child who is extremely compliant, loving and easy.  We must be just as diligent in making them know that their easy demeanor does not in any way equate to elevated parental preference. 
Furthermore, from personal experience, I’ve seen how the often “favored” grow into adults with an entitlement mindset. It seems many are less likely to successfully manage life apart from extensive family or government "involvement."  So, yes I was the only child of my mother, required to buy her own first car, but I’ve also achieved a level of “grown up independence” I may not have attained otherwise. 
Modern Day Application from Cinderella’s personal experience: 
  • Don’t “excuse” every bad choice/behavior a child makes  - attributing it to a “physical limitation”, temperament, or other factor far beyond their control.   
  • If one child/grandchild is “more challenging” than others; less similar to yourself; from a birth parent you care/know little about :  go the extra mile to make that child feel just as significant as the rest.
  • If one child/grandchild evokes your sympathy for any reason – don’t teach that child that rules and expectations don’t apply to him/her.  In the long run, you’re not really "loving" that child but setting them up for a hard and disappointing future.
  • Don’t single out any child/grandchild, etc. as “the special one” – in the long run, you may lose theirs (and others’) respect, while also teaching the “one” how to effectively manipulate.  You may impair relationships between siblings, cousins – and may even cause marital/family division.   There are serious, long-term consequences. 
  • Along this same point:  please don't make it a habit to give special "gifts" to one child - repeatedly, and especially in front of the others.  Sometimes, it may be practical or meaningful to give a certain gift to a particular child - but certainly not repeatedly.  Don't "slip" the same child a $20, $50, $100.... spend $50 on one's birthday, but consider $30 too much for the next.  It seems so obviously wrong to behave this way - yet it happens!
  • In this day of social media, if you’re a plugged in parent or grandparent – you may want to give consideration to the messages you’re sending by: A)  replying/commenting/"liking"/retweeting only one (or a select few) of the children in your family.  Believe it or not – those “seemingly insignificant” keystrokes can highlight personal bias. B) If you have an inordinate number of pictures of one child framed/catalogued/displayed on your refrigerator or nowadays rotating in your electronic photo frame – it may be an indicator that you've ignited feelings of rejection or inadequacy in one or more child.
Perhaps many parents/grandparents unintentionally fall into this pattern.  Most people don’t set out to hurt the hearts of the innocent. However, once the guard has been dropped and the “golden child” in the family established, it’s a painful cycle - hard to reverse and often leading to generational consequences.

My position today is not one of a “victim” – but one of a “victor.”  I’m healed, recovered and have forgiven my offender.  I’m not, however, unaffected. To withhold any benefit at all to others I love so dearly would be criminal in my estimation.  To sit back and watch as others do the same – is no different than enabling any other type of abuser. Being given children to love is one of life’s greatest blessings and “The greater the blessing - the greater the responsibility.”     
My children are now adults.  We have one grandchild.  Right now, we can give him our undivided attention, making him feel like he’s the ONLY one - because, right now HE IS THE ONLY ONE.  When we are fortunate to welcome other grandchildren to our family, we will do all we can to make each of them know what it means to be loved and cherished by “Mimi & Pop”.  


I’m not a licensed Psychologist or Certified Family Counselor – but several more qualified than I have spoken out on this reality.  A small sampling of expert commentary; findings from a recent Anderson Cooper survey; and link to the “Time” article are below:

God shows no favoritism. It's in the Bible, Acts 10:34, NKJV. "Then Peter opened his mouth and said: 'In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.'" Romans 2:11, NKJV says, "For there is no partiality with God."
Why does God condemn favoritism? Because it reveals a destructive double standard. It's in the Bible, Malachi 2:9, TLB. "Therefore, I have made you contemptible in the eyes of all the people; for you have not obeyed Me, but you let your favorites break the law without rebuke."
Favoritism devalues people for whom Christ died and indicates an ignorance of God's values. It's in the Bible, James 2:1-4, TLB. "Dear brothers, how can you claim that you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, if you show favoritism…
It is dangerous and unwise to show favoritism in a family. It's in the Bible, Genesis 37:3-4, TLB. "Now as it happened, Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other children, because Joseph was born to him in his old age. So one day Jacob gave him a special gift—a brightly colored coat. His brothers of course noticed their father's partiality, and consequently hated Joseph; they couldn't say a kind word to him."

Monday, October 17, 2011

With Gratitude, an Overdue Follow Up

So, the month of August was a month focused on Gratitude.  Every day, I made it a point to dwell on the many gifts, big and small - rather than to allow my mind and my heart to focus on the difficulties.   It's by no accident that this was the month God laid it upon my heart to do this.   As August began, I had no inkling that surgery was in my immediate future. 

For some, surgery is "no big deal" - for me, an IV or a  simple blood draw is traumatic.  (Due largely in part, to: )  August proved to be a worthwhile experiment in contentment for this "Needle-phobe"!  There was a supernatural peace that accompanied me throughout the entire process.  My gratitude was electronically documented through August 20th.  Then came my "birthday weekend" with celebratory lunches and dinners and a surprise "family karaoke" extravaganza.  Following the weekend of great fun, came a few days of preoperative testing, nesting and preparing for "downtime" - both at home, and in the office.   

Many non-blogged blessings came to mind during the week of surgery. Some while still lucid - but most while in a drug-induced fog,. Random thoughts are scribbled on assorted notepads, journals and post-it notes.  It's funny though, even though I could not (should not) have been posting anything online during those days on painkillers, something in me remembered to jot down the "positives".  There were a couple of conversations with friends/family - in person, on the phone, and online that I have ZERO recollection of.  Apparently, the "liquid percocet" impacted me more greatly than one would anticpate. 

Before surgery, I have vague recollections of very meaningful people coming into the pre-op area: CWL, Sally, Sue, and Bob - and through it all, WGH.  I can't begin to tell you what was discussed in the hours preceeding surgery, other than one brief conversation about a very specific scripture. Honestly, I've no clue now which passage it was, but at the time - it was of great comfort. 

In spite of the "pre-op fog" - I do recall looking up every time someone came near, thinking it would be one of two very different family members that my heart desperately hoped to see.  Both knew of the procedure and potential outcomes - and neither came.  The "little girl" inside of me felt momentarily abandoned, but I didn't let those momentary feelings overtake my grateful position.  Still, my post-its from the hospital listed so many significant "gifts", i.e., a husband and daughter who kept me company around the clock; many interested callers, and an abundance of prayers offered for every aspect of the thyroid surgery.  Of course, I jotted down a thankfulness for drugs, jello, tea, broth and rubber soled slippers (drug induced gratitude, for sure.) 

After getting home on the day following surgery, a humbling showering of love from so many "authentic friends" and a few family members - started.  That outpouring continued for more than a solid month - longer than my actual medical leave.  More than 40 visitors came with food, flowers, DVDs, magazines, and coloring books (I still love to color), and rides to medical appointments.   We were well-fed and so well loved! This "season" was another incredible illustration of God's magnificent provision. 

In spite of those initial, pre-operative "disappointed little girl" moments, He has blessed me beyond imagination with a circle of people who love me.  Sometimes, in my opinion - we have to experience a bit of a deficit, in order to best appreciate the "bounty".  This circle of people literally became the "Hands and Feet" and lavished us with care and concern. How could I be anything less than grateful?   When an emotional wound momentarily tempted to bring me down - all I had to do was look at my overstocked refrigerator, or my fireplace mantle - COVERED with cards and flowers.  I am so undeservedly BLESSED.

Last week, on the final surgical follow-up, my doctor said, "You couldn't ASK for your incision to heal any better than it is."  He was quite pleased and indicated that  he simply couldn't take credit for the remarkable progress.  He suggested that it must be "good genes."  (I can assure you, that is not the case.)  I know otherwise - and believe fully in the power of prayer. 

So, to all of you who brought food, movies, magazines, coloring books, smoothies and flowers; to you who visited, called, texted, or kept me company; to those of you who sent cards from across the country - and most of all - to those of you who prayed - THANK YOU.  God has used you in a mighty way!

With a humble and grateful heart (and now minus a problematic thyroid),
I thank you and love you for how you have loved me...


Romans 12:10, Philippians 4:8