Monday, April 18, 2011

Backyard Applications to Life #1 - Roses and those Pesky Thorns

The last couple of weeks have afforded several hours of "outdoor reflection"... While sitting on the deck or even working in the yard - I've noticed there are ample metaphors that apply to human life. 

While my Mother-in-law is very involved in her Garden Club, and my sister-in-law is a floral guru as well, my knowledge of plantlife is derived from the little pointed "markers" that accompany new plant purchases; a Month-by-month Georgia Gardening book; and of course - Google.

Not long ago, a friend of mine pointed out that in every room of my house - "roses" are a part of the decor...I doubted her at first and then looked around only to realize that she was astute in her assessment.  Somewhere along the way, I've unknowingly developed an affinity to these thorned beauties.  So, it seems only appropriate that the first application point "stem" from roses. 
Roses are beautiful and yes, full of thorns.  My husband can testify to this as he ended up with thorns stuck in his scalp a week ago while transplanting a rose bush for me. I've experiened my share of prickle-related pain while cutting and arranging.  Quick research indicates that the sweeter smelling the rose - the more thorns present.  The thorns offer protection to the petals and foliage.  If not for thorns, herbivores would have consumed them all - leaving none for us to enjoy today. 
In this analogy - we are like Roses. We're given "thorns/trials" as we go through life - as a protection, and to "perfect" us. Nothing we do leads to our thorn supply, they're simply guaranteed to all Believers. Sometimes it seems, like with roses, the "sweeter the aroma" - the more we get. (The thorns here aren't the same as consequences, that's a different "application" altogether.) Thorns simply occur. In my earlier years, I foolishly thought that God had already given me more than my share and that surely, a "lengthy, thorn-free break" was didn't. There was a time when I was actually a little put out with God and decided that the "thorns" had to be a result of poor decisions. My goal was to "do" everything so flawlessly and perfectly that I could avoid those pesky, prickly accoutrements. That didn't work either... We can't "outsmart" or manipulate God into giving us a leisurely stroll through life.  

Finally, the realization that we should "Count it all joy when we face various trials" - makes sense. Like thorns on a rose, the trials we experience on Earth offer protection against the enemy as our perseverance is developed and our faith perfected.
It's just another way to look at our own pesky "thorns".  We may hurt temporarily, but in the long run - it will be so worth it!  I'm hopeful that as the next prickly season begins (which I think it has) - that my attitude will be one of trust and gratitude, because ultimately - in spite of the pain, it will be benefical in the long run.
(Romans 5:3) More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance.

(James 1:12) -  Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

(1 Peter 1:6) - In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by  
various trials.

all photos taken by my back yard, of course.

Always thinking of you, Tyler.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Spring Cleaning"

As said before, I should never cease to be amazed by the wondrous and unexpected ways the Lord sometimes speaks to my heart.  In fact, just this past week - He's actually been opening my eyes to some areas requiring modification...and He's been speaking to me in my "OCD"!

My innate tendency is to "clean and organize".  Granted, there are days when, if you looked in my closets, cabinets or office - you'd be surprised to hear that.  I crave order and get excited about organization tools and tricks.  However, given the busyness of life, priorities and seemingly waning energy - my home may sometimes be found in a state of disarray - rest assured, if that's the case, you'll find me in the same condition. 

One of my greatest organizational triumphs in recent months was consolidating 375 dvds into one large binder.  The DVDs are catalogued in a corresponding spreadsheet, along with film ratings, genre, cast/content notes and the page number on which the movie may be found. With all humility, I must admit - it's fairly genius! :)  When the family wants to watch a specific movie - it's exciting to know the precise location - and to avoid a multi-room search. 

Beyond my "wiring" - this gorgeous Atlanta weather has inspired a couple of big organization/simplification endeavors.  The frustrating part is that you deal with a temporary "bigger-than-before-MESS" midway through the process. In this week's endeavors, my closest friends - both at home and at the office, have been shredders and scanners.  Scanning is AMAZING - and is helping to rid life of piles of unnecessary paper.  It's one of the greatest technological advances from the perspective of an organization freak!

In the progression of decluttering files and desk drawers - I came across two interesting and revealing folders.  One was a "CYA" folder containing documents from more than a decade ago.  Another was a "Just in case something bigger comes of this" folder - containing emails, letters, and my own handwritten, detailed notes documenting grievances with a couple of family members...and with a supposed friend. My thinking was that I may need "proof" to back up legal arguments some day, or to prove someone wrong in their hasty and non-discerning judgments and assessments.  Maybe my sweet husband is on to something when he tells me "you've always got to be right."  

First and foremost, I have forgiven all the people involved and never want to embody a bitter spirit toward them or anyone.  There is no desire for revenge - no wish for vigilante justice, no wish for harm of any kind to come their way. Bottom line, we are all accountable for our actions and attitudes - managing our own is a "full time job"...we can't realistically expect to direct the behaviors of others!   

Forgiveness doesn't assume restoration of relationship but it definitely frees the injured took me a long time to "get that".  It's interesting though, while not dwelling on past infractions - things happen that can pull back a scab you didn't know existed, leading to serious self examination and sometimes the whole process of forgiveness again.  That's what happened today....

While flipping through the contents of multiple files,  some of the harsh words and reminders of past actions, came into view. Beforehand, those recollections were far from mind...and definitely, far from my heart.  Holding on to the "evidence" only served as an impromptu reminder and a catalyst to tears streaming down my face...tears that didn't exist moments prior.  

The Holy Spirit convicted me of my own "judgment", and my need to be "right" in the eyes of man.  Those documents only served as a painful reminder to me.  The offenders didn't even know the data existed.  Surely, Satan would prefer that those folders, toxic only to myself, remain in my drawer for his future merriment. They are now confetti.  Even though the transgressions spoken of were not at all on my mind before this afternoon, after shredding them - I somehow felt "lighter."  Spring Cleaning feels good - on so many levels!

As the 2011 "Spring Cleaning" continues in my home and at the office... it will continue in my personal walk with Him, as well.  What other thoughts and patterns do I need to purge?  What else needs to be removed from my life and "given away" in order to make room for peace and for true, lasting beauty? 

Love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for He is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; (Luke 6:35-37)


"The most creative power given to the human spirit is the power to heal the wounds of a past it cannot change."

"Forgiving is a journey; the deeper the wound, the longer the journey."

"We do not forgive because we are supposed to; we forgive when we are ready to be healed."

"Waiting for someone to repent before we forgive is to surrender our future to the person who wronged us."

"When we forgive, we walk in stride with the forgiving God."
                        (taken from "The Art of Forgiving" by Lewis B. Smedes)