The last couple of weeks have afforded several hours of "outdoor reflection"... While sitting on the deck or even working in the yard - I've noticed there are ample metaphors that apply to human life.
While my Mother-in-law is very involved in her Garden Club, and my sister-in-law is a floral guru as well, my knowledge of plantlife is derived from the little pointed "markers" that accompany new plant purchases; a Month-by-month Georgia Gardening book; and of course - Google.
Not long ago, a friend of mine pointed out that in every room of my house - "roses" are a part of the decor...I doubted her at first and then looked around only to realize that she was astute in her assessment. Somewhere along the way, I've unknowingly developed an affinity to these thorned beauties. So, it seems only appropriate that the first application point "stem" from roses.
Roses are beautiful and yes, full of thorns. My husband can testify to this as he ended up with thorns stuck in his scalp a week ago while transplanting a rose bush for me. I've experiened my share of prickle-related pain while cutting and arranging. Quick research indicates that the sweeter smelling the rose - the more thorns present. The thorns offer protection to the petals and foliage. If not for thorns, herbivores would have consumed them all - leaving none for us to enjoy today.
It's just another way to look at our own pesky "thorns". We may hurt temporarily, but in the long run - it will be so worth it! I'm hopeful that as the next prickly season begins (which I think it has) - that my attitude will be one of trust and gratitude, because ultimately - in spite of the pain, it will be benefical in the long run.
(Romans 5:3) More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance.
(James 1:12) - Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
(1 Peter 1:6) - In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by
various trials.
all photos taken by my back yard, of course. |
Lovely post! I appreciate the thorns even more now knowing that they make the rose - and life - sweeter.
ReplyDelete- Carol R
I need a "LOVE" button! That was some awesome and inspiring reading! Thanks, I needed that!
ReplyDelete(jennifer jackson-williams)