Tuesday, March 16, 2010


"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others have thrown at him." (David Brinkley)

Many bricks have been hurled in my direction. Some, hurled at warp speed, missed me altogether. Some "bricks" barely scraped the surface of my skin, and yet some resulted in injuries that were nearly life threatening in a sense. Perhaps most damaging, were those that didn't "appear" to injure, as far as anyone could see, yet left deep wounds. All these wounds left painful, obstinate scars in place of healthy tissue. The accumulation of scars manifested in feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, alienation,and desperation. The "Bricks" made it crystal clear that something, SOMEONE, was and is necessary for success of any kind, in every area of my life.

No one that I'm aware has made it through life with 100% human approval. Yet, many who've roamed the Earth have been labeled "successful". It seems genuine success may be linked to how we handle the "bricks" that have afflicted us. We all have been targeted - it's been guaranteed. The significant bricks, in my case, were abuses, ridicule, divorce, physical and emotional attacks, eating disorders, criticism, displaced anger, resentment, jealousy, etc. Interestingly, some have been boomerangs instead of bricks: the same weapon, but, coming after me multiple times.

People frequently default to the same cycles of abuse they were subjected to. Others cry "victim" and then rationalize their own destructive behaviors and choices as justifiable - usurping accountability for their own actions. (Puh-Leez! We all have a free will!)

Thankfully, some of us learn and we swear that we won't "go there". We break cycles, we break the chains of bondage.... we refuse to perpetuate affliction on our own families. There have been many wounds in my life that motivated me to go the opposite extreme. There were aspects of my upbringing and of my young adulthood, that I knew early on "my kids would never experience." Through the power of God alone, my children escaped youth without enduring some of the horrific experiences that I was dealt. Thankfully, these bricks did not scathe my three... and now I realize, if my own painful experience helped in some way, to spare my own children pain - well, I'd do it again. It's much better that these afflictions were upon me, than on the babies I have spent my adult years protecting, loving and fighting for. So be it.

Hopefully, some day, my children will look back on their upbringing, and while far from perfect - they will see a glimmer of humble, motherly success in their very fallible mom. However, more great is my desire that they realize the incredible ways in which God has worked in and through our family...how His hand has protected them, provided for them and set them up for eternal success.

I pray my "cherubs" realize their "bricks", while perhaps different than mine, and while painful at times - hold no power to harm them; but exist to bring them wisdom, and a Godly perspective on life, if handled with prayer and obedience. To me, their realization would be indicative of huge success. Their financial status, their physical address, their material possessions are irrelevant. "God, please open their eyes to the vast success that awaits them."


PS: Next up: avoiding dogs and squirrels...and/or "what's in a name?"

1 comment:

  1. "maybe one day they'll reach back in their file, pull out that old memory and think of me and smile" -- "Drive" by Alan Jackson
